
Laurie Earl, Director of Marketing, Tri Tool

Tri Tool hired Octain to perform a comprehensive analysis on our competitors, customer experience and market opportunities. From Clare’s work we were able to determine three strategic initiatives to drive the company forward. We also used the analysis to develop new marketing tools including a new corporate video and email marketing campaign.

Steve Simonetto, CEO, LCS Technologies, Inc.

When LCS needed a new marketing plan to support our company’s growth, we turned to marketing veteran Clare Price. Clare helped us develop a stronger brand and marketing message that led to LCS being recognized as Sacramento’s fastest growing company.

Steve Pappas, host of the Science of CX Podcast

Smart Marketing Execution is unique in that Clare gives all of the details on ‘how to’ rather than simply what and why. Clare guides business owners and leaders through the exact things they need to do to become more effective leaders.

Dennis Shiao, CEO, Attention Retention

Smart Marketing Execution is a must read. Clare’s framework, what she calls the ‘integrated marketing operating system,’ will help you and your marketing teams deliver profitability, productivity, and operating efficiency.

CMO, Medical Services Company

Before Octain, our team was all over the map trying to target the right customers. Now we have a focused strategy for reaching our best prospects and have seen sales jump 40% in six months.