You are having a great conversation with prospect. Then they ghost you.

You put together a great email outreach, but the leads are not coming in OR you get leads but they don’t result in new sales.

The Culprit?

It just might be mixed messages.

Mixed messages are deadly in any relationship.

Be it romantic, friendship or potential customer.

With your potential customer, the problem is likely confusion across your different marketing channels and activities.

It might look something like this.

Our prospect, Earl Searcher, lands on a company’s homepage offering cloud services, office furniture, and vegan snacks.

Confused, he visits their LinkedIn page, where today’s post is about empowering data, while yesterday’s is about organic cushions.

Earl downloads a brochure promoting streamlined IT and memory foam comfort simultaneously.

Curious, he reads a blog post starting with software tips and ending in workplace Zen.

Frustrated, Earl calls customer service, and is greeted with, “Welcome to our world of tech and comfort!”

He wonders, “What are they selling?”

How do mixed messages happen?

It’s a bit like the old children’s game of telephone where players form a line. The first player comes up with a message and whispers it into the ear of the second person in the line, and so it moves down the line getting changed each step of the way.

The end result bears little resemblance to the starting message.

It happens so quickly and easily:

  1. You create a positioning statement, elevator pitch and Unique Value Proposition (UVP).
  2. You create new content for a one sheet or brochure. But instead of sticking closely to your value proposition, you start from your last client or colleague conversation and embed what worked best for them.
  3. Moving on to the website, you turn it over to your web team. They embellish it further, incorporating lots of key words that search engines love, but ends up another step away from your UVP.
  4. Ditto for social posts.

And when it comes to your marketing that mixed messaging almost always guarantees lost sales.

What’s the Antidote?

Unravel the telephone line.

You can do that with a marketing audit.

Octain’s marketing audit is a comprehensive health checkup for your company’s marketing strategies and activities used to uncover insights and eliminate the friction that may have crept into your messaging and hurt your sales conversations.

With an Octain marketing audit, you will know exactly:

  • How to align your marketing efforts with your business goals
  • What improvements to make to achieve a higher marketing ROI
  • Where you marketing money is being spent and how well it is working
  • Where there are gaps and opportunities in your current marketing programs
  • How to set up your marketing campaigns and activities for success.

Ready to stop sending mixed messages?