Small business owners are the best! They are my favorite clients! I love the drive, passion and focus they have on their businesses. I admire the work they do to support their families, customers, employees and their communities. I’m inspired with the difference they...
Marketing doesn’t work. We’ve tried everything and its still not working! All I want are a few great leads! Do these laments sound familiar? I’ll bet they do! I’ve heard them from every client I’ve ever worked with. I’ve said them myself. Here are four key reasons...
Some color within the lines. Some think outside the box. Some don’t see lines or boxes at all. Those are the industry disruptors. Think Uber. Before Uber, the taxi industry was highly regulated and there were limited choices for consumers. Uber completely changed the...
Affiliate Marketing! Use the phrase affiliate marketing around professional service providers, consultants and trusted advisors and more often than not you’ll get a reaction that ranges anywhere from a shrug to a snarl. That’s because some people tend to put it the...
Valentine’s Day is here. I hope that you are planning to share the day with someone special: a spouse, partner, grandparent, child. So, what about your customers? What is the best way to show them some love this February (and beyond)? To show customers and clients how...
We know we shouldn’t. We know it’s a waste time. As fractional execs we even know how counterproductive it is. But we do it anyway. Because we are excited about what we have to offer! Because we don’t want to leave anything out! What I’m talking about is throwing your...