My client was a top producing real estate agent in the hot Sacramento market. She had a team of six agents. A lot of mouths to feed!

“Leads!” she said. “I need more leads!! I need them now.”

“I understand,” I said. “We’ll get those leads. Starting from where you are today. So we are building on a strong foundation. How many people do you have in your data base?”

“About 500.”

“When is the last time you talked to them?”

She looked a little sheepish at that. “I don’t know. I send a newsletter out–sort of. Really,” she said exasperated, “I just need a ton of new leads!”

“I get it. Let’s get started. I want you to personally call or email everyone on that list over the next two weeks and let’s see what we find. In the meantime, I’ll put an active lead funnel together.”

She wasn’t thrilled, but she agreed to the plan. Two weeks later she called me astonished and upset.

It turned out she had lost ten deals and hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential commissions because she hadn’t kept in regular touch with past clients.

Right then and there we put together an automated nurture program as well as a new leads funnel and she doubled her income in less than six months.

That is the lead bonanza growth trap in painful, money losing action: chasing after that new bonanza crop of leads and failing to nurture the leads you’ve already got.

If you don’t have an automated nurture program in place now, book a call today. We can get you there fast.